Assam Direct Recruitment Mock Test 2022

Welcome to Assam Direct Recruitment Mock Test 2022 In this article will benefit youAssam Direct Recruitment exam candidates at least.Hope you all benefit enough Assam Direct Recruitment Questions MCQs.

This free test series Assam Direct Recruitment 2022 MCQ has been prepared for those candidates who are going to appear in the written examination of Assam Direct Recruitment Government of Assam.

Assam Direct Recruitment Mock Test 2022

1 / 24

When was the Indian National Congress established ?

2 / 24

 Which State is known as the' Land of five Rivers '?

3 / 24

The totel number of districts in Assam ?

4 / 24

 When was the world health organization formed ?

5 / 24

Which is the planet whose surface temperature is highest ?

6 / 24

Nalanda University was founded by ?

7 / 24

Vande mataram was first song at the session of the Indian National Congress?

8 / 24

The first king of the koch dynasty was ?

9 / 24

 When was the planning commission constituted ?

10 / 24

Who was the first governor general of Independent India ?

11 / 24

Who built 'joidol' ?

12 / 24

The reign of which Mughal emperor is known as the golden age ?

13 / 24

Who was the first woman governor of India ?

14 / 24

The head quarter of internation monetary fund is in ?

15 / 24

Pongal festival is celebrated in the following month ?

16 / 24

What is the capital of new Zealand ?

17 / 24

Who was authored the book 'discovery of India '?

18 / 24

 When was the Assam cooperative Apex bank established?

19 / 24

 Who is the author of the book "the jungle book " ?

20 / 24

Where is kochi part located ?

21 / 24

Which place of Assam is a jute mill located ?

22 / 24

 With whose permission did the Enlish set up their first factory in Surat ?

23 / 24

The battle of Buxar was fought in .................?

24 / 24

which Indian city is known as the city of thousand temples?

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