Assam Fishery Scheme 2022, Details, Apply

Assam Fishery Scheme 2022:- Hello friends we are going to discuss about The another largest scheme of the Assam government Assam Fishery Scheme 2022. If you are unemployed or want to do fisheries then it is a very good news for you. In this article we are going to discuss about Assam Fishery Scheme 2022. Fisheries is one of the low investment business.

The Assam government will be provide government found to digging pound for fish ingering . There is no need to any training to apply for this scheme. If you are in a self help group member  then this is very good news for you. You will not apply for this scheme alone but can also apply for this scheme alone.

Assam Fishery Scheme 2022

It is the most popular Scheme by the Assam Government. If you are planning to dig a pond for fish rearing or have land and want to start a new business then Asssam government is providing a 100% subsidy fishery scheme.

The fishery sector of Assam has huge growth potential. This time  the practice of fisheries has been gaining respect in the market.It has potential to provide livelihood to rural youth of Assam. This Scheme will providing financial assistance to individuals, Self Help Group (SHG) and Organization for digging ponds.

Here we can called it is a very good opportunity for unemployed and who went to thinking fisheries business. Fisheries is an important  the main source of food, nutrition, employment and income in Assam. We can call Fisheries is one of the low investment businesses and it is most profitable business in assam.

Assam Fishery Scheme 2022

Required Decoments for Assam Fishery Scheme 2022

If you went to apply in this Scheme then you have required some document in this  Assam Fishery Scheme 2022. The required document are given bellow:-

  • Land Decoment .
  • Caste certificate for caste other than general caste.
  • Bank Passbook.
  • Passport Photo.
  • Passport Photo.
  • Fishery Training Certificate if any.
  • Notary No Objection Certificate (NOC) of Land, if leased land or land belonging to other family members.
  • Identity proof.
  • Photo of Project Site or area where the scheme will be executed.

Apply Process Assam Fishery Scheme 2022

If you went to download application from then you can download online application from given bellow the link.

Assam Fishery Scheme Application From :- Download

Name of the Applicant/Group/Organization :- Fill your name/group/organization name in block letters.

S/o  /  D/o  / W/o :-  In this section, you should write the name of your father or mother or husband in block letters.

Caste:- You tick your caste section.

Address for communication:- You fill your Vill, P.O, Dist, Pin and mobile number.

Identity Proof:- In this section you submit any one document Voter id, Driving License,Gaon Burha Certificate.

Age of the Applicant :- Fill your age.

Qualification of the Applicant:- Fill your Qualification.

Name of the Major Scheme:- Assam fishery Scheme 2022, tick mark Sate Plan. If you tick mark other option , you cannot avail the benefits of Assam  fishery Scheme: Assam fishery Scheme 2022.

Name of the Sub Scheme under Major Scheme:- ASSAM MATSYA SAMRIDH

Details of land:- Here you give land details where you went to digging pond. (write in block letters)

If on lease, duration of lease:- You have to provide a lease document or Notary No Objection Certificate (NOC).

Total area of the proposed New Pond :- give details of the area where you went to digging new pound.

Total area of the proposed Existing  pond:- Provide the total are in Bigha(s) or in hectare (s). If you don’t know how to calculate the total are of land, just provide  Length and  Breadth.

Whether assistance for this purpose has been obtained under  any other  scheme of the Central/State Government? :- If you have received any assistance in the above mentioned land, tick mark Yes otherwise No.

Whether the applicant has fish farming experience or not?:- If you have fish farming experience, tick mark Yes otherwise No. Provide it correctly. You may be given training and help if you have no experience.

Whether the applicant has undergone any training so far in fisheries?:- If you have received any kind of fish farming training, provide Yes otherwise No. If you have ticked Yes, you should provide a training certificate.

Sl 6,7,8,9 you should not fill this section.

Declaration by the Applicant

Fill your name , son/doughter/wife name, fill date and place  and signature the application from.


I hope after reading Assam Fishery Scheme 2022 article, you must have got an idea about this . If you still have any question related to this article in your mind, then do not forget to tell in the comment. I don’t claim that the information given here is completely correct.

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