Assam Direct Recruitment Grade 3 Mock Test 2022

Assam Direct Recruitment Grade 3 Mock Test 2022 :- Hello Friends Welcome to Aamar Axom. Assam Direct Recruitment Grade 3 Mock Test 2022 in this article help you SLRC Grade 3 exam complete.

This free test series Assam Direct Recruitment Grade 3 Mock Test 2022 has been prepared for those candidates who are going to appear in the written examination of Assam Direct Recruitment Government of Assam.

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Assam Direct Recruitment Grade 3 Mock Test 2022

1 / 20

Speed of sound is the greatest in :

2 / 20

"Curie" is unit of :

3 / 20

When the speed of car is doubled, then what will be the braking force of the car to stop it in the same distance?

4 / 20

The method of protecting iron from rusting, by coating a thin layer of Zinc is called -

5 / 20

Lamberts law is related to –

6 / 20

The sounds having a frequency of 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz are known as –

7 / 20

Light year is the unit of -

8 / 20

Sensation of sound persists in our brain for about -

9 / 20

If the length of a simple pendulum is halved then its period of oscillation is -

10 / 20

Pycnometer is an instrument used to measure the –

11 / 20

Assam Direct Recruitment Grade 3 Mock Test 2022

12 / 20

Who was the first Tirthankara of the Jains?

13 / 20

When a body falls from an aeroplane,
there is increase in its

14 / 20

Which among the following types of coal produces most heat per unit?

15 / 20

Which one of the following instruments is used to study dispersion of light?

16 / 20

What is Gumrag:

17 / 20

Environmentalist Jadav Payeng was awarded Padma Shri in the year:

18 / 20

Which one of the following is the oldest masjid in Assam:

19 / 20

Which one was the first capital of Ahom Kingdom in Assam:

20 / 20

which Indian city is known as the city of thousand temples?

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